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Vozes Originárias ou O Céu que Ameaça Desabar

Urban intervention

Earth Blood

Original Voices… The world is ending, we are consuming this world, this land, this blood…

Earth Blood

The original voices cry out... Mother Earth is sick, our people are also sick...

Earth Blood


The urban intervention “Vozes Originárias ou O Céu Que Amenaça Desabar” is an attempt to recreate an experience that intends to claim and appropriate the city as a space for art, taking a look at indigenous cultures.


Contemporaneity absorbs us with technology and the accumulation of information. We live in a daily life that dissolves our identity… We are increasingly inattentive to the messages of the arts.


“Vozes Originárias ou O Céu que Amenaça Desabar” was conceived by the actress and visual artist Thaís Medeiros and proposes to create in urban space a poetic time-space to reflect on the claims of native peoples regarding the demarcation and invasion of their lands, and their demands against the destruction of nature and forests.


A cry in the city, in the street, an attitude of occupation, presence and resistance against harmful policies to indigenous peoples and the attacks they suffer in their territories in Brazil.


The symbolic image of cars passing over the image of a shaman reflects our ignorance about our origins, our violence as a civilization going over our own history, our origins, our ancestral voices, our rites and destroying life. …


“The native peoples are not in the forests, they are the forest” 

  Ailton Krenak


This intervention is an offshoot of the Índio Brasileiro urban intervention that was carried out on April 19, 2014 in the city center of São Paulo, close to the Municipal Theater, Viaduto do Chá and Rua Peixoto Gomide.



Design and work: Thais Ivana de Medeiros

With: Dani Nunes, Eliane Diniz, Ivan Medeiros, Ivani Andrade, Solange Akierman, Thais Medeiros, Ulysses Sanchez and Valdir Ferreira

Photography: Tatiana Mito

Video capture and editing: GB DRONES

Image inspired by Rodrigo Petrella's photo


Production and Direction: Collective Galeria Gruta


This project has the support of the Aldir Blanc Law in the city of São Paulo, the Municipal Department of Culture/Municipal City Hall of São Paulo and the Federal Government


*This intervention was carried out following all the guidelines for the prevention of coronavirus (Covid-19) recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization) and health bodies

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